
try Scuba Diving in Greater Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds



If you're 8 years or older and have the desire to explore the underwater world this course is for you! Maybe you fancy learning how to dive and simply want to check out if it's for you, well you are in the right place, book a try dive today and start your adventure



A "Try Scuba Diving" session, also known as a "Discover Scuba Diving" experience, is an introductory dive designed for individuals who are curious about scuba diving but may not have prior experience. The session typically involves the following components:

1. Introduction and Briefing:

A qualified instructor provides an overview of scuba diving, including the basic principles, equipment, and safety guidelines. Participants are introduced to the scuba gear they will be using during the session.

2. Safety Briefing:

A comprehensive safety briefing is conducted to ensure participants understand the importance of following safety procedures while underwater. Emergency procedures, hand signals, and basic communication underwater are explained

3. Basic Skills Instruction:

Participants are taught basic scuba skills in a confined water environment (such as a swimming pool or shallow beach area). Common skills include clearing a regulator, equalizing pressure, and basic buoyancy control

4. Gear Familiarization:

Participants become familiar with the scuba equipment, including the mask, fins, regulator, buoyancy control device (BCD), and tank. Instructors help participants put on and adjust the scuba gear, ensuring a comfortable fit.

5. Confined Water Dive:

Participants enter the confined water environment (usually a pool) to practice the skills learned during the briefing. The instructor closely supervises participants as they become accustomed to breathing underwater and practice basic maneuvers.

6. Discovering the Underwater World:

Participants get to experience the sensation of weightlessness and the thrill of breathing underwater in a controlled environment. The instructor may guide participants around the confined water area to explore and enjoy the underwater surroundings

It's important to note that a Try Scuba Diving session is not a certification course. It is a one-time experience designed to provide a taste of scuba diving under the guidance of a professional instructor. Participants who enjoy the session may choose to pursue a formal scuba diving certification for further training and more independent diving experiences.


Why Choose Our try Dive Training Programs?

Our Training programs stand out for their emphasis on safety, hands-on experience, and personalized instruction. We prioritize small class sizes to provide individual attention, allowing you to master essential skills with confidence. We offer entry level training with multiple agencies and have a diverse team of instructors to accomodate your needs. You can learn to dive with us under BSAC, RAID, SDI, and PADI.

hands-on learning

Special step-by-step tutorials and approach

personalized support

Get one-on-one support from our experts

stress-free learning

Learn at pace that suits you anywhere

Transaprent Pricing

100% transparancy on prices and all your costs.

what does it cost, how long does it take?

Try Scuba or Discover Scuba Diving experience sessions start from £45, they run every thursday evening and take a few hours. After doing some self study at home, you meet your instructor either at the shop or at the pool (whatever you have arranged), all key skills will be explained prior to the in water session.

Once you get in the water you will cover the key skills again with your instructor, and once they have seen you can do them well you get to spend some time exploring the different sections of the pool under supervision. Once you're done we all rinse our gear and put is back in the boxes, diving is a team sport aferall. After everyone is dressed a debrief takes place either at the pool or at a local pub where you can ask about what comes next and how to get more involved with the diving club.

what comes next?

After you've completed your Try Dive you might want to sign up for either a Scuba Diver course or a Open Water diver course. The first makes you a qualified diver with an international certification, but will only let you dive under supervision of a Divemaster or Instructor. The latter is a complete stand allone certification valid world-wide allowing you to dive with a peer.

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learn from the best

Our multi faceted team will not just meet your demands, they will surpass them. When it comes to quality of education we are 100% dedicated to employ modern, effective and to-the-point training techniques.

develop real skills

We won't just do it all for you, or get you to kneel on the bottom to do some skills. Our approach is extremely real-world, and modern.

no limits

You'll never hear things like 'ow you don't need to know about that at your level', we are a no-limits training group that will always encourage your curiocity and growth.

meet our expert team

Oli van Overbeek

Oli is an instructor trainer, examiner, tecnical and CCR instructor with various agencies and is keen to teach any level of diving!

Dave Keany

Dave is a very experienced instructor with mulitiple agencies and a course director with NAUI

Mel Taylor

Mel is an experienced recreational instructor, first aid expert and NAS instructor

Tom Aucott

Tom is a fairly new instructor but a very experienced diver who is wildly passionate about project & technical diving.

James Monty

James is a fairly new instructor but has been a Diveleader for a year and a day. James is always happy to help and most customers love his approach.

Dave Pilgrim

Dave is a very experienced master instructor who has taught all over the world.

Dave Pilgrim

Dave is a very experienced master instructor who has taught all over the world.

Dave Pilgrim

Dave is a very experienced master instructor who has taught all over the world.

Dave Pilgrim

Dave is a very experienced master instructor who has taught all over the world.

Not sure?

Get in touch with us and let us know what you are looking for.

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